Piano Serial Number Value


  1. Wurlitzer Piano Serial Number Value
  2. Wurlitzer Piano Value Serial Number 768438
  3. Piano Serial Number Blue Book
  4. Player Piano Value Serial Number

I paid $20 for one with a similar serial #, built over 100 yearsago and still plays well.

What is the age of a Weser Bros upright piano serial number 713160?

What is the age of a weser bros upright piano serial number 263572 Read More

What is age of Weber upright piano Serial?

Where is the serial number on a kranich and bach upright piano?

If your piano was made for the U.S. And is a grand or upright, this serial number would show that this piano came from the mid 70's 1973-77 and was manufactured in Hamamatsu, Japan. Oct 7, 2017 - To help you begin the process of determining the value of your piano, we share our visual diagrams for finding the serial number on your.

where is my serial number on my kranich&bach piano Read More

Where is serial number located on a howard upright piano?

where is the serial number or model number located on a Howard/baldin piano Read More

Mignon upright piano serial?

I have a Mignon upright piano with the serial number 75680. Can any one give me any details on where and when it was manufactured? Thanks Read More

How old is your Kimball Chicago Upright serial number 116263?

The extant serial number list for Kimball would indicate it was built about 1904. Read More

How much is an Everett upright piano serial number 240358 worth?

What is a clarendon piano worth?

were do I find serial number and date on upright Clarendon Read More

How old is your C Kurtzmann and Co upright piano serial number?

How old is Kimball Upright Model 404P Serial Number T53611?

What is the value of a 1927 Waltham upright player piano serial number 75727?

What is the value of a Waltham Player Piano serial number 240200 40 Read More

What is the value of a kimball upright piano serial number 51753 Model number P405?

How old is a Cable-Nelson upright piano with a serial number of 87764?

How old is a Cable-Nelson upright piano with a serial number of 71847?

Wurlitzer Piano Serial Number Value

How old is a Deutzer Bros upright piano serial number 46223?

I have a Deutzer Bros upright piano with serial number 53462 and mine was made in 1920. It was originally a player but the player mechanism had been taken out by the time it came to live with me. Hope that helps! Read More

How old is your cable company piano serial?

age of cable piano company Chicago upright piano serial number 250385 Read More

What is the value of an antique Hallet Davis upright piano with the year 1839 and serial number 90187?

on hallet davis co. upright piano seriel #69465 Read More

What is the age of a monarch upright piano serial number 190061?

What might the value be of a Wurlitzer Upright Piano serial number 410828?

How old is a Cable-Nelson upright piano with a serial number of 134001?

How old is a Baldwin upright piano serial number 2437 yes 2437?

How old is a cable-nelson upright player piano with serial number 112576?

How old is a Baldwin Hamilton upright piano serial number 0249-020218R?

What is the value of Wellington upright piano with serial number 150410?

What is the age of a Kingsbury upright piano with serial number 161749?

According to the Blue Book of Pianos its from 1911. Read More


What is the approximate value of a gulbransen upright piano with serial number 75882?

How old is a Kohler Upright Piano with serial number 84850?

It was manufactered sometime between 1885 and 1890. Read More

What is the value of a Kimball upright piano carved panels serial number 136310?

matters what condition it is in. about $ 300 Read More

How old is Baldwin serial number 261236?

Assuming this is an upright (vertical) piano, the serial 261236 would belong to a unit built sometime in 1936. If the serial number belongs to a grand instead, it would have been built in 1984. Read More


What is the value of a 1919 kimball upright wood piano with built in mirror serial number 319418?

i dont have your answer but i have one serial number 319536... upright piano needs restoration couple of the black keys are halfway broken but i played a song and it really didnt sound bad at all. i just want a number to someone i can call Read More

What is the value of a Wurlitzer upright piano with serial?

what is the value of a Wurlitzer upright with bench, serial #889242 excellent condition and tuned. Read More

How old is a Cable upright piano with a serial number of 415098?

I have a Cable serial #180242 and the sales slip that was inside the case of the piano says it was purchased in 1914. Read More

What would Bensman New York upright piano serial number 18622 be worth?

How old is a Cable-Nelson upright piano with a serial number of 228367?

'http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_old_is_a_Cable-Nelson_upright_piano_with_a_serial_number_of_228367' Read More

What is value of Kimball upright player piano serial number 208317?

This is a kimball player piano. Added by: (person with question) Read More

What year and place of manufacturing is Yamaha upright piano with serial number H1452510?

Its not from the US market, so i do not know. Sorry! Read More

What is the age of a Baldwin baby grand serial number 18987?

In dating a Baldwin by serial number, knowing whether it is an upright or grand piano is important, as each of these was serialized separately. In this case, a baby grand with serial 18987 would have been built in 1912. Read More

How old is a Cable- Nelson Upright with serial?

Where is the serial number on a Suzuki Quadrunner?

On the left rear frame upright. A metal tag is welded on. Left side if sitting on the ATV. Read More

What do the numbers stamped on a piano mean?

Wurlitzer Piano Value Serial Number 768438

* A pianos serial number will usually be found stamped on its soundboard in figures about 2 cm high. Serial numbers are usually between four and seven digits long. * A number stamped on the top of the side of an upright piano is probably a dealer's stock number. * A number cast into the frame is almost certainly not a serial number. Read More

What year is Mignon upright piano with serial number 30603 you believe it is walnut?

I have a upright mignon piano serial number 91579, just recently i have been restoring it. I pulled out the very first key on the right and discovered a name and the date 1951 written in pencil! It was by chance that I discovered that way as to when the Piano was made. so maybe you should do the same! Read More

Where is the serial number on a Kohler Campbell upright piano?

The majority of pianos have their respective serial numbers on the inside cover, or above the iron plate on the left or right side. The lid will have to be raised to see it. Read More

What year was wurlitzer upright piano serial number 142071 made?

Try: www.bluebookofpianos.com. This website specializes in these sorts of questions. Hope this helps! Read More

What is the value of Kimball upright player piano serial number 192143 in good condition?

I would recommend a value of approximately $200-$400. Read More

How much is a Woodward Chicago Grand upright piano serial number 35026 worth?

When was the Samick upright piano model SU-110A serial number 610543 manufactured?

According to the Pierce Piano Atlas - 1986 Read More

How much is a Rudolf Piano Co. Upright Piano worth and how old is mine Serial No. 9957?

This Serial number matches to MAnchester from 1948. Its worth about 20 pounds (UK Sterling) Read More

Where can you find the serial number on an old upright kimball piano?

Check out this website, it gives you diagrams, and information on how to find the serial numbers on your piano. Good luck! http://www.bluebookofpianos.com/serial.htm Read More

What is the age of a monarch upright piano serial number 235859?

The piano was built in 1933 according to the 'Pierce Piano Atlas'. Rick Read More

Piano Serial Number Blue Book

What is the age of your Kimball Whitney Chicago Upright Piano 57583?

Player Piano Value Serial Number

Double-check the serial number-I don't think that any Kimball Whitney pianos were ever made with five-digit serial numbers; they all have at least six digits in the serial number. With that said, I'd guess yours is from the late 1950s. Read More